Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What has your temple weathered?

The bible says our bodies are the temples for the Holy Spirit. That we must keep the temple sacred. For the longest time, as naive as it sounds, I didn't understand as most didn't when he said it, " I will rebuild the Temple in three days". The temple was his body as he rose again on third day. Giving us new life and those who believe, everlasting life! That was greatest gift ever given to man. So what has your Temple been through?

1 Corinthians 6:18-20 says: Run from sexual sin. No other sin clearly affects the body as this one does For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. Don't you realize that your body is the temple of Holy Spirit in you and was given to you by God. You do not belong to yourself for God bought you at a high price. So you must honor God with your body.

That is a hard thing to keep in mind while our addiction to Sex flows through our veins and we seek the gratification we so desperately want. Yes I have been there. My addiction to sex has put my Temple through a great many storms.

I have thought hard about the consequences endured to 30 years of sexual addiction. My Temple needs cleaned and cleared out. The clinical, legal, physical and emotional consequences I have suffered have been: Lost jobs, screwed up relationships, put my self in risk of jail by stealing money and soliciting prostitutes, I have betrayed many close to me, divorce, had depression, felt hopeless and attempted suicide 4 times. I had money stolen from me by force and by threat of force. I have ruined myself financially, had anger and anxiety issues, very low self esteem and body hatred. I lived in fear of STD's and put others at risk of getting ST D's, sexual identity problems, control issues, family problems and I even have injured myself through various forms of new masturbation.

Spiritually my Temple has been affected as well: I have felt set apart from the Kingdom, unworthy of God's love. Anger at God. I have lived in fear of hell ( if I die today where I am going ?) those type of thoughts. I have felt dirty in Church and felt envious of others for the well put togetherness. I have had times where I couldn't pray because I felt unworthy to talk to God. My Spirit has experienced selfishness and self righteousness. I thought to myself I have broke all but 1 of the big ten commandments and broke all the 7 deadly sins. My Temple thought for the longest time it stand a chance. So I filled it with Garbage. My Temple was a sexual cess pool and it literally choked the spiritual life right out of it. I even tried at one point making deals with the devil to justify what I was doing. I felt I didn't stand a chance with Heaven may as well get a good spot in hell. I have said things to satan like, "if you give me this I will be in debt to you. (mortal danger) scary stuff folks.

We are here for a short time, one time to get it right. God has given us an instruction manual on how to do it. We face a fierce and determined enemy who will kill you and wants to so badly. Our disease is the weapon he is using against us. But all things are possible through Jesus Christ. The work he is doing in me is amazing to me. The craziness is fading, the habits are changing, the desires he is taking away one at time. Sexual addiction is powerful, determined, and very very misleading. Stand strong stay close to God. The days where it is harder or temptation is to great stand CLOSER! Your not going to succeed every time its just the odds. But the further you walk with Jesus the more victories you have over satan then he does over you. It will get better.

SO open your Temple back up to the rightful owner; God. Put extra guards on duty to keep satan out of your Temple. Restore it to the beautiful place God made. I will struggle and fight with you and for you. My battle still goes on but my victories are greater and my Temple is cleaner.