Monday, October 26, 2009


The entire world is based on choices. Sanyo vs Sony. Ford or Chevy. Meat or chicken. Everything is a choice. Good vs evil (choice). What are we choosing? I chose prostitutes, strip clubs, pornography, one night stands and masturbation over my signifigant others. Over God. Over my self esteem and over my own moral codes that God has placed in me. My choices have put me and others at risk. Have just created a whole slew of emotional damage to loved ones and myself.

So why do I bring this up today? First I must apologize for going so long between posts. I was working and an extrodinary amount of hours and chose sleep. That would cut me short of time for this. Therefore, this ministry suffered because I chose to be selfish. But to answer that question of why I bring this up is; today I was presented a problem that overwhelmed me. I prayed over it, stressed over it, and just felt confused about what to do with this problem. The answer came to me that, "he must choose to come to me and get better. I don't want him or you drug to me. I want people to come by choice. That is the only way to truely help them and you. I felt refreshed after that. Because as always Jesus is right (he has a tendancy to have the right answer quite often). I can offer this man a choice he has to make everytime he wants to act out. Just like I have one. But God will work in the willing so I hope I heard the plan right. The plan being, to offer this man God every time.

We must have to ask ourselves when we decide to act out, do I want Jesus or this? He will let you choose. Just remember Jesus offers more than satan. Jesus can give you freedom and satan can take it away. It is a tough choice somedays because we get so driven on the pleasure, but there is hope. It will get easier. So here is what I do. I keep my bible close and my radio on the Christian station, thats why I have Jesus close. If I choose to act out I am choosing that over the Almighty and somedays I do. But those days are getting less and Jesus remains close to me because he knows my desire to be a better man.


Sarandana said...

I am encouraged by your testimony and willingness to allow God in your life and Jesus in your heart. Thank you for your honesty, openness and love for the Lord. Your words about God wanting us to choose Him rather than having us drug to him or us draggin others to Him reminds me that each of us have to journey on our own to Him; it is a very personal journey and one that we must do on our own, in His time. Thank you again for allowing God to speak through you.