Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"American Idols"

Hosea 9:10 says, "But soon they deserted me for Baol, giving themselves to that shameful Idol. Soon they became as vile as the god they worshipped".

We as americans worship more than just God. We worship money, belongings, status, automobiles, entertainers, houses, the list can go on. However, in regards to the issue of sex we worship porn stars, we give our money to strip clubs and prostitutes and then maybe drop one or two dollars in the collection at church. The sexual idols we have (they are different for everyone) require more of us. Soon what we worship is not exciting anymore so we seek out something different, more exciting. Example: we eventually want what is on the screen so we start fantasizing about our loved one doing that, or the girls at work no one will know. Or we start thinking maybe I will just cruise down and see what the big deal is about the strip club or are there girls that will do that for $20.

Sexual gods (idols) are never content. There is ALWAYS a price great or small, financial or emotional. There is ALWAYS a price to be paid. Idols require sacrifice from us wether it be time or money. Then when we give that sacrifice our idols gently calm us for the time we are with them and they tell us they will make us feel better and feel better about ourselves. Temporarily we do, then what we worship leaves and we are left feeling shameful, bad, emotionally bankrupt, dishonest and sometimes (in my case) feeling like a disgusting person. Oh yeah, that is a god you want.

Jesus requires only faithfulness and belief. He does not take away but gives. He asks for good works that help others around us and will help us. Jesus wants you to worship him but he wants to worship you back. He loves us, he so loved us that he became flesh and suffered on a cross to save us from the very thing I talked about in the last paragraph. He offers peace not depression, he offers us love not vileness. We need him. If your gods are taking you away from the one true God, then a change is needed. Because Satan (no scratch that, I will not capitalize his name) satan wants us to turn away from Christ. He gets our worship under false names. As long as we are worshipping anything other than God than we are worshipping him.

Sexual idolatry will kill you spiritually, emotionally and physically. In Jesus Christ, we live forever.