Friday, October 16, 2009

Hard facts

I read a news letter that I subscribe to today. It is a news letter that is from a sexual addiction clinic out in Colorado. It is called the Heart To Heart news letter. They asked the question, what has your addiction cost you financially? They went on to give a list of things that we needed to consider. Gas, on-line subscriptions, video rental rates, food during acting out, working at jobs that better fit our needs for the addiction ( so loss of income potential) things like that. They said the average lifetime cost to the average addict is close to $250,000.00 dollars for an untreated addiction to sex. I believe that because as I read down the list of things to consider I kept saying, "yep been there, yep done that". This costs us so many things.

However, you know these things but lets take a look at a couple things we don't think about. We get aroused by the girls or guys (whatever gender or preference you are) that we see on the screen or in magazines. But they aren't people. They are objects of our desire. They are our fantasy, they are our secret control. But they are people. For example there was a 19 year old college student in Texas that went to a porn shoot to earn extra money to help her pay her bills. She was drugged, raped, forced into acts that completely humiliated her in a room full of people she didn't know. That girl shot herself in the head in her dorm room. Her note spoke of the depression and pain of that afternoon. A porn star that's named Heather, as I read, was getting out of the business and just couldn't take the pain of her years of being used and hung herself. Another killed themselves because it broke her marriage apart. Many of them get addicted to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain of the humiliation. Girls and guys have reported internal tearing of rectums, others had to get surgeries done on vaginal canals, others have bled to death on internal bleeding of body parts that were damaged by getting the "good shot" so you and I can get some enjoyment.

satan is alive and well in the porn and sex business. He not only gets to take shots at the Kingdom, but he gets to watch suffering first hand without having to administer it. Homeless kids, prostitutes, runaways, single moms, children, slave traders, refugees, illegal aliens, drug addicts, alcoholics, and even your suburban mom. All being used, beaten, raped, humiliated, and any other form of suffering you can think of. All for our enjoyment.

So an amazing fact I ran across. I had five sexual keyword typed into a search engine. The total websites available containing these keywords was 1,237,100,000. THATS BILLION folks. So we have to ask ourselves what is our son or daughter doing for money? What about our girlfriend or wife? Porn sites and strip clubs operate in towns all over this country. Especially in the college towns. Because these bastards know that college kids need money. Who is looking at our loved one, like we looked at someone elses. They are not gonna say they are doing that, just we like we don't say we are addicted to looking at it. The secrets continue and satan is loving the "hell" out of it.

One final fact, at a porn convention the average attendance is approx. 60,000 people. All lined up to enter one building in one weekend. How many Church's have 60,000 people waiting to get into it in one weekend?