Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Hello, I am back in the swing of things and am going to be able to devote the time needed to this blog. I apologize for the lack of time between posts and hope you will forgive me.

Needless to say sexual addiction carries with it many stereotypes that in the hands of the uneducated or the bias, can cause major problems in a persons life. However, that just means we educate more and speak even louder. Sex addiction is a very misunderstood disease. People need to know more so we can chisle away at the stereotypes associated with it. They include; child molester, peeping Tom, pervert, sicko, porn freak, cheater. Need I go on? No not really because what good would that do? Bottom line is, we who are in recovery know that we are not those things despite world views of who we are, what we have done and what we have failed to do, these are not who we are in our hearts. Yet the world automatically handicaps us when the term sex addict is mentioned.

But let us state one simple fact, "Whats right is right", that is the situation I find myself in currently. My employer was unethically treating myself and others unfairly and I let the company know. I was first greeted with a handshake and a cup of coffee and a nice long hour conversation with my one of my supervisors. I informed him of my sexual addiction as I did my immediate supervisor some time ago. I was asked during that statement, "are you registered then?" I told him,  "no sex offenders have to be registered I am a sexual addict which means I struggle with pornography, and few other areas" His response was "ok I thought you were attracted to kids and we couldn't have that not with all the kids we going in and out of there". That is always an uncomfortable question no matter how many times I have been asked in the last couple of years.

After that Conversation I took a trip out of town for something the Wife and I had planned, my contact person for the company said that he would investigate the problem upon my return. I felt that was a good solution, and that my interests were protected. My return to work found that person interviewing people as he had promised. I had no cause for alarm because all was working like I was told it would. My second interview came around a couple of days later and I was broadsided with accusations about my job performance (even though it has never been brought into question until that day), I was met with accusations of people being uncomfortable around me because my confidential information previously given was exposed, my co-workers were asked questions regarding my sexual conduct with them. I asked did all the interviews getted treated the same way, I was told "YES", to which my response was than why was I not asked sexual questions about them. I was given no answer. Then I asked "if I had not told you or Tim about my condition would it even have been an issue" they said "NO". One sided? Yeah I thought so too. However, they had no basis for any sexual misconduct otherwise I would have lost my job right then. It did not happen because I did nothing wrong. Which leads me to a peice of scripture I found attesting to that very point;

 1 Peter 2:11-12; Dear friends I warn you as temporary residents and foriegners, to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls. Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when He judges the world.

That is what happened in a phone call to the Vice President of the Company this morning, a good honest man, who listens to reasons and weighed accusations fairly. He saw my dedication and listened to my concerns and addressed the role both parties played in this unfortunate turn of events. I wish to express to all of you recovering, "you have nothing to be ashamed of, we are recovering from an unhealthy lifestyle, because we made that choice, that shows intergrity on our part to be better people." Will you be falsely accussed? perhaps. I will not sugar coat that but do not let it deter you from what is right. Now as my wife pointed out we dont have to tell everyone we are recovering sex addicts and we do have to weigh the needs of those close to us. As they do also play a vital role in our lives. A fact that sometimes I forget in my drive to let the whole world know that I love God and I am a sex addict and by gosh we will help people get better!

I have not told you of the religous discrimination I have been encountering. I plan to still address that issue further. However, as I told my contact person in my second interview, "I will not have my God or Jesus Christ ridiculed, I don't care who is around or what their position is!" More to come on that one.

I leave you with a prayer: Father in Heaven, we as believers face the trials You and the authors of the Bible have talked about, let us stand firm in our beliefs that the Kingdom of God is stronger and more powerful than any Human institution. We will be falsly accussed for our beliefs and other things that are out of our control. But Father let us have the courage when our beliefs, our lifestyle changes, our families, and our reputations are in jeporady, that we call upon the Holy Spirit you placed within us as comfort in private times and reinforcements in turbulant times. Let us help the world know that Jesus Christ is alive, He is coming back, He forgives our sins and it is possible for all, even our accusers, to have the Kingdom of Heaven at hand everyday. That we as recovering sex addicts and people of God, we will  overcome and this disease will be stripped from the hands of the enemy violently, swiftly, and quickly. Father we pray this in the precious name of JESUS CHRIST amen.

My prayers are with you. Jason.