Thursday, October 8, 2009

Can you keep a secret?

I thought I could. Oh yes, for years spanning more than two decades, I kept sexual secrets. I hid people from people, I hid money, living situations, materials, receipts. I spoke the words that made those around me believe I was such an outstanding person. "If only they knew " I thought. Some secrets I kept out of shame, some out of ego, and others out of issues of control. Some just kept as a mental drug that I could take whenever and wherever I wanted.

But as you may have already guessed, those secrets came out. It hurt alot of people when they did. I have seen tears from both of my wives, that can be so extremely rough, you just want to crawl under a rock. My mother crying saying "she had no idea and what did she do or didn't do?" My father and brothers shocked. I have limitations put on me right now by family members to prevent creating more secrets. Now keep in mind I am not upset with this, hurt and embarrassed at some of these things sure. However, initially my feelings were anger at those people. For I had already admitted to things, just shut up and trust me already. But secrets destroy trust. You cant build a house without a strong foundation, you can only build trust with honesty. I am now at the point where I realize I am lying in the bed I made. It is not easy sometimes, but the more cleansed I get the more comfortable the bed becomes.

In Mark chapter 4, Jesus is preaching on a lake shore. People begin to gather around and Jesus crawled into a boat and began his teachings. He spoke in many parables. Later, as the day wound down, the disciples and a few people who remained were around him. One of the disciples asked why Jesus spoke in parables. Jesus replied, "You are permitted to understand the secret of the kingdom of God. But I use parables for outsiders for them to understand so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled". Jesus went on to tell them the Parable of the lamp, (Mark Chapter 4: 21-23) "would anyone light a lamp and then put it under a basket or under a bed? Of course not! A lamp is placed on a stand, where its light will shine. For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light. Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand".

Jesus is right. Of course he's right, he made us and the universe. I believe he is a very good authority on such issues. The truth he spoke centuries before our birth is still true today. I am living proof of that. I wonder what secrets you keep? Expose your secrets to the correct people and become cleansed of these shames. Sometimes it is not always the correct course of action to reveal all to a loved one, as they may become very hurt. Seek counsel on these things there are people to help. But also know there are somethings that have to be revealed to a loved one for the relationship to grow and for that other person to gain better understanding of you. DO NOT consider me an authority on this. Talk to priest or a counselor and work out these things prior to opening your mouth. But the charge Jesus puts before us, is do not live a life of secrecy. It is exhausting, it squashes the spirit within us, and sucks all joy out of your life. Jesus wants to be that Joy. Reveal your secrets to him. He already knows them anyway, so you are not going to make the KING OF KINGS go "Whoa!" He just wants to help you get better and do works through you. He is best counselor and friend you will ever have.