Friday, October 2, 2009

Getting to a better place in your life

Proverbs 1:32 says "complacency is the death of fools" . Do not get stuck in a sexual rut thinking that Jesus won't help you now. I for too long thought to myself, "yeah prayer is all well and good but others haven't done what I have. I don't think God will listen to me, I am to far gone" WRONG! I still struggle to this day. Sometimes minute to minute. Some times my heart wins and other times my flesh fails. However, there is always a returning to God. Somedays I pray, "Lord Jesus please keep me from the sexual thoughts today. Protect me from myself and Satan." Simple prayer but it works. I need to say that prayer before I go to bed sometimes to so I dont act out prior to sleep. Jesus will not forsake you. Don't get stuck in a rut.

Beware of shame and Guilt. Guilt says "I did something wrong". Shame says, "there is something wrong with me". That is where Satan wants us. In Matthew 9:37-38 Jesus says, "It is not the healthy that need doctors, but the sick. But go and learn what this means. I desire Mercy not sacrifice. For I have come to call the sinners not the righteous." He will be there for you in the night or wherever you are at. Remember help is a breath away.

I struggled the other night with remembering a few hotel rooms where the Girls I was with had to do drugs just to go through with it. I helped a few of them not stumble and fall when they were done shooting up in the bathroom. They were lifeless idols that I took advantage of and left. One had her children waiting in another room. My money was helping them get fed and stay off the streets another night. I live with memories like these. I share this to show you that at the end of day struggling with these pains that God reminded me, "I am not that man anymore" yes there is repentance needed for these things, but he will be there and not forsake you.

Dont get stuck, it gets better. There is a place in your life that you can respect yourself and start to be able to give back to the ones you took from. Even if not them directly but by not doing it to someone else.